In this podcast we discuss the fallacy used by @$%&s - Ad Hominem.
Here's the link to direct download:
Show notes (stuff we mentioned that you might want to follow up, or not, whatever… totally up to you):
- Reading from the book (Ad Hominem - page 4)
- The master of vitriolic Ad Hominem and Browbeating - Gordon Ramsay - from Kitchen Nightmares (I think...)
- Reductio Ad Hitlerum and Goodwin’s Law
- An example of likening a contemporary political leader to Hitler from people who’d been to see a talk by Al Gore organised by moveon.org (no points for guessing the leader of who I speak...) . This is obviously a case of cherry picking, but nonetheless…. Here's the youtube clip I used: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiOpOGJsLhU. (I also slipped in a bit of Monty Python here (Gumbies)
- Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and the earwax incident (prior to being elected)
- Blackadder Goes Fourth - Captain Cook
- The evil brain teaser I mentioned
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