Interesting article by Rod Liddle of the Times newspaper which indicates that he is a man who thinks on at least one issue as we do here at Humbugonline. The article title is Diana's ghastly legacy of emotion and celebrity busybodies. The article is prompted by a recent report which puts a number of conspiracy theories in their place. (Their place is the domain of genuine loons, and/or mildly delusional fantasists - I hope I offend many with this comment.)
A key quote:
"Next year we will be dragooned into commemorating the 10th anniversary of this poor woman's death, reaching out and hugging one another as Sir Elton John brays out that saccharine, clod-hopping song once again and the lesser celebrities - Bono, Sting, Chris de Burgh - queue up to tell us what she really stood for. Which is, in essence, what we all want: world peace, racial harmony, an end to Aids, no nasty bombs... (here follow some great put-downs of celebrities, then)... Scatty actresses and pop stars with oxtail soup between the ears circle the globe meeting popes and presidents and instructing them how to run their countries, save the rainforests and eliminate global misery..."
Read the whole thing, you'll be glad you did. (I'll leave the internal links to some of our previous posts on related topics to Theo's discretion.)