Sunday, November 05, 2006

The ABC's artifice comes crashing down

I haven't bought a copy, as I said I would, but plenty of others have:

JONESTOWN, the controversial unauthorised biography on broadcaster Alan Jones that the ABC rejected because it would "almost certainly" lose money, has grossed almost $600,000 in its first week of sales and topped the best-seller list.

The book by investigative reporter Chris Masters sold 12,700 copies in bookstores in its first six days on the shelves, according to Nielsen Book Scan figures, released yesterday.

And thus the Argument by Artifice...

ABC Enterprises director Robyn Watts said the decision not to proceed was made on commercial grounds. "ABC Enterprises has a clear responsibility to deliver a commercial return to the ABC," Ms Watts said.

...comes crashing down.
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Source: Jones book rakes in $600k - Peter Lalor and David King in The Australian - November 04, 2006