Friday, January 27, 2006

The 33rd Skeptics' Circle

is up and running at Science and Politics:

Effects of uncritical thinking on neuronal death in users and non-users of the baloney detection kit: a review of recent literature

by the Skeptic's Circle Institute.


Complaints like "hurts my brain" and "blows my mind" as a result of exposure to incredible stories have recently been definitevely tied to the neuronal cell death (apoptosis). Furthermore, the notion of the usefullness of the Baloney Detection Kit (BDK) in protection of brain cells against the negative effects of incredulity has recently garnered significant support. In this review, the authors gather the most notable examples in recent scientific and medical literature on the subject, evaluate the currently available data on the effectivness of BDK and propose new avenues for further research.

Head over and enjoy...

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